November - 2010

You may have noticed some changes to our course in the last few months. Between the eleventh green and the nearby fourth green next to the road, the City has begun a Golf Course Master Plan Update by Incorporating a Water Conservation Landscape Plan. This is a phased plan to occur over the next two to three years. Phase one contains 12.5 acres, or approximately 10% of the irrigated area of the golf course. Phase two consists of approximately 7.5 acres and phase three consists of roughly 4 acres. These three planned water conservation areas are 20% of the total watered (irrigated) areas of the course. Why is this important to the Rules? Obviously, many areas that used to be simply grass, will now become part of the course under cultivation, or drought tolerant water conservation areas.


2. Areas of the Course Requiring Preservation; Environmentally-Sensitive Areas a. Ground Under Repair; Play Prohibited

If the Committee wishes to protect any area of the course, it should declare it to be ground under repair and prohibit play from within that area.

To help and preserve the growth and development of these new areas, The Committee has established that all of the new and future

Water Conservation areas, and All existing Flower Beds

    a. Between the first green next to the 2nd tee

    b. Between the 7th tee and 18th green

    c. Between the 10th and 12th greens are now considered

      Ground Under Repair - (G.U.R.)


Ground Under Repair (G.U.R.)

"When a ball is in or touching the border of the Water Conservation Areas, (as defined by the edge of the grass), or is considered inside one of the courses existing Flower Beds-

Play is prohibited and is deemed Ground Under Repair (G.U.R.).

If a players ball lies in the area, or if it interferes with the players stance or the area of his intended swing, the player must take relief under Rule 25-1."

25-1. Abnormal Ground Conditions

  a. Interference

  Interference by an abnormal ground condition occurs when a ball lies in or touches the condition or when the condition interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing. If the player's ball lies on the putting green, interference also occurs if an abnormal ground condition on the putting green intervenes on his line of putt. Otherwise, intervention on the line of play is not, of itself, interference under this Rule.

    b. Relief Except when the ball is in a water hazard or a lateral water hazard, a player may take relief from interference by an abnormal ground condition as follows:

        (i)Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. The nearest point of relief must not be in a hazard or on a putting green. When the ball is dropped within one club-length of the nearest point of relief, the ball must first strike a part of the course at a spot that avoids interference by the condition and is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.

Derek Duesler